It was sunny and clear in Seattle, but raining back in San Diego. What a great place. Bicycles and Coffee are essential parts of life here in Seattle. Graduate School applications are in... Berkeley, UCLA, and UW are neck and neck fighting for the top spot on my list. Now I wait to see how I rank on theirs.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Portland July 09
This entry is much overdue. Photo of Natalie taking a photo of our friend Martin who we were fortunate enough to meet in the hostel. Barista is the best specialty espresso cafe I have yet to encounter in my travels.
Monday, June 15, 2009
James Enright, LEED AP
Well thanks to caffeine, sugar, headaches, and neglecting a few days of riding and social life I passed the LEED v2.2 accreditation exam. Now I can get my priorities back in line and ride my bike!
Photo by Will Parson
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Caffeine Needed
Anita (not my other lover, but the espresso machine above) was definitely my best purchase of 2009 and is helping me get through this weekend. This weekend has been very busy. Babysitting a beautiful black lab, Greek festival one block from my house at the orthodox church, Palomar Pomerado Health black tie gala w/ LT and Dan Fouts last night, getting some miles/hours on the bike, and trying to cram as much studying in wherever I can for the LEED v2.2 accreditation exam. Let's just say I will be relieved tomorrow evening. Hopefully I will be able to relax and then start putting some serious time on the bike. I also have a few projects for the apartment that I have been putting on the back burner.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Espresso Bar part 3
Complete!!! Thanks to the knowledge and hard work of my parents this turned out beautiful. My mother did all of the sanding and stain work herself. My dad did most of the fine carpentry, in reality I only did about 15% of the labor, but I did learn a lot about using my dad's wonderful woodworking tools. I hope st start some more projects with my dad when I have the time to do more of the work myself.
THANKS again.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Espresso Bar part 2
Dove tail final product. This really make the drawers look professional and with great attention to ensure quality craftsmanship (Thanks mom & dad).
Espresso Bar part 1
The apartment Nat and I rent has an abnormally small kitchen and therefore only a custom stand or drawer for my espresso machine would accommodate the limited space. The photo above shows the dove tails just after being cut with my dad's router and with the assistance of his dove tail jig he set up for me.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Beginning
I thought I would start from the my passion for both Espresso & Cycling all started. In 2005 and 2006 while living in Australia I purchased my 1st new road bike and decided to take training seriously. I joined up with the NSCC (Northern Sydney Cycling Club) bunch and started competing in their club races. The tradition of bunch(AUS)/group(US) rides ending at the best local cafe is a simple to understand. The simple formula of what the typical cafe provides: Social + Caffeine + Calories = a relaxed environment to re-charge after a hard ride.